Latter-day Grooks from Bill WylsonInitially created by the Danish poet, Piet Hein, grooks are multifaceted tidbits of wisdom characterized by irony, paradox, brevity, precise use of language, rhythm, and rhyme. They are often satiric.
Aphoristic collections (such as grooks) are prominent in Western Civilization and have had a profound impact on the canons of ancient societies. Latter-day Grooks draw their wisdom from the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, making them a unique form of wisdom literature widely unfamiliar to the outside world. |
Latter-day Grooks - Volume 1From the Words and Wisdom of Russell M. Nelson
Latter-day Grooks - Volume 3From the Words and Wisdom of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Latter-day Grooks - Volume 2From the Words and Wisdom of Jeffrey R. Holland
Latter-day Grooks - Volume 4Bill Wylson's Latest Grooks